13th August Charity trial

 13 August Results from the Macclesfield Trials Club charity trial at Plattwood Farm, Disley near Stockport. Proceeds used towards purchase of  disability equipment for Phil Thompson who has severe spinal injuries following an enduro accident .

Thanks to – Landowners Richard and Will Emmott , Kev Hipwell and his merry crew of section setters, cutter outers and organisers – Martin Allen, Andy Heywood, Harry Walker, Scott Hipwell, Abbie Piggot, Mike Joyce and Dougie Hall.

Observers – Nigel Wood, Ben Townend, Mike Kelly, Wing Co, Pierre, Edd Beasley, Adam Jones, Katherine Thompson, Andy Whitehead, Phil Thompson.

Generous donations from Andy Foot, Marg Carter, Richard Shaw, Man 17 club, Macc Trials Club, Dorian Goddard, Henry Rosenthal and Neil Marsh.